Hello and thanks for visiting.
I teach mindfulness meditation and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) throughout northern New Jersey and the New York metro area.
I do this in a variety of ways, depending upon your lifestyle, your interests and needs.
Weekly Sitting Groups
Ongoing, informal, drop in any time, receive basic instructions on mindfulness (also known as vipassana or insight) meditation and share your experience with others.
Courses and One Day Workshops
Intro to Meditation Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Taming the Monkey Mind
Living the Mindful Life
Living Metta
Buddha Basics Walking the Buddha Path
The Life of Buddha
Courses vary in length from 4 to 8 weeks.
Individual Meditation Instruction
For earnest beginners and those seeking to deepen their practice. By appointment.
Life Coaching
Where we really get into lifestyle changes, incorporating mindfulness into everyday living and exploring the overall mindful approach to Life.
By appointment.
Zoom Groups
Groups of 3 or 4 meet weekly to practice,
encourage one another and explore mindfulness
in everyday life. By appointment.